About the Shed

I've always loved making things no matter how big or small. You can probably blame the use of Lego at an early age! If I was a philosophical person I would think that all the crafts and skills I have learned over the years (stained glass, fused glass, woodwork, graphic design, web design, metal work, silversmithing) have lead me to this point. I might, but I'm not that sort of person.

I just like making things! I like solving puzzles, and trust me making things in enamel can be a very frustrating puzzle (so many variables to consider, firing order, temperature, colour of enamel, whether to fire the front or back first to name afew). I love the range of possibilites for colour, texture and shape that mean you can never get bored. My design lecturer told me I had "too many ideas", can you have too many ideas? Anyway, I don't think so, and I was also told that I designed "with humour". So that is what you will find here. No frew frew and maybe a bit of humour.

Enamel is powdered glass melted and fused onto metal. It's no more complicated than that :-)